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UC San Diego + California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology

Beyond the Black Box: A Girl and Her Dog

Date: May 3, 2024

Time: 5pm - 6pm

Location: UC San Diego Atkinson Hall

On Friday, May 3, the Qualcomm Institute’s IDEAS series presents “Beyond the Black Box: A Girl and Her Dog,” a performative exploration within a series of human robot interactions.

Combining the talents of playwright Hortense Gerardo, director of the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering’s Anthropology, Performance, and Technology (APT) Program, UC San Diego Teaching Professor Amy Eguchi and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Assistant Professor of Emerging Media Arts Robert Twomey, “Beyond the Black Box” explores questions of whether robots can generate a sense of fun defined as “pleasure with surprises.” The work is loosely informed by the story of Eurydice, “The Wizard of Oz,” and “Toy Story,” and will feature six interactive robots and a selection of robots from past research projects conducted at UC San Diego.

“Beyond the Black Box: A Girl and Her Dog” is part of the series “Dances with Robots” and will be informed by data from creative AI research experiments performed by the APT Program. The work is part of On Display Global by Heidi Latsky, commemorating the International Day of Persons With Disabilities.


About the IDEAS Program
The Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) program aims to encourage interdisciplinary performing, visual, and literary-artists, as well as engineers and scientists, to take advantage of the Qualcomm Institute’s advanced audio-visual facilities, services and personnel in staging performances and presentations of new and experimental works and research. To learn more and to access a list of upcoming IDEAS performances for the 2024 season, visit